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You Left The Strings On!


Good you noticed!

These are called “Cut Strings”


Every year I leave the lines on the decoys I've actually hunted over. During the next year I designate a few decoys from this shooting rig to be sold. The anchor weight is cut off leaving only six inches of string attached to the decoy; thus as the name implies “Cut-String.”

These select birds are available only from me and not from any gallery. The number of decoys allotted to this purpose is only about six to ten each year. These decoys should become collector items very quickly.

I do not recommend removing these strings as they have significant collectable value. Enjoy your birds as they are hand-made one-at-a-time the old fashioned way.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Ben A. Heinemann




Figure 1 2007 Shooting Rig





906 Cardens Creek Dr.
Durham, NC 27712


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Copyright 2007 Ben Heinemann